If he was her sugar daddy then OP might have a financial claim to the marital assets he spent supporting the girlfriend. I am guessing the girlfriend messaged him which is why he knew why you were there. Be sure to login to your bank accounts and if you feel it is necessary take a screenshot and withdrawal half of it into a new account just under your name. I’m not going to get into the exact details of it.
Meaning of husband in English
This is the Way of The Househusband.A former Yakuza Boss has swapped his criminal underworld life and position for the apron and domesticity for his family as only he could... My husband, who is upstate visiting his mother until Saturday, has next to no cell service so I haven't been able to talk to him about any of this other than saying that the email must have been a 'mix up'. My friend called and got his apartment number from the maintenance man.
It was a long talk and it involved a lot of emotions. She is under the impression that we are separated and going through the divorce process. Also, if she was using a doorbell to communicate with OP and her friend, there's a high probability he has access to the footage since those doorbells usually come with a camera. So, he may have a lot of preparation already done to possibly create a story and deny the truth. Call the apartment complex to see if they are shutting down the water to see if its real and then do some more digging.
Most read in The Sun
By creating an account, you agree to the Privacy Policy and the Terms and Policies , and to receive email from Rotten Tomatoes. By creating an account, you agree to the Privacy Policy and the Terms and Policies, and to receive email from Rotten Tomatoes and to receive email from the Fandango Media Brands. After disappearing from the underworld, the legendary yakuza known as the "Immortal Dragon" resurfaces — as a fiercely devoted stay-at-home husband. Thank you, this is a good idea and it worked. The maintenance guy didn’t speak English very well so I think he was somewhat confused, but he eventually gave us an apartment number. Call them, explain you have a delivery for Mr. OP but the Unit # is missing & you’re under a deadline to deliver, as it’s perishable.
How can I get her story When she was barely willing to say anything to my friend? The reason why we didn’t push her is because she wasn’t giving us any information and we were worried that she was going to call the police. My friend tried to ask her more questions, she wasn’t giving her any information.
Gokushufudou: The Way of the House Husband (manga)
It's possible he was already preparing his exit plan with her. Once he was ready he would have divorced you and be official with his girlfriend, and try to keep her in the dark about you not being separated while he was seeing her, so she wouldn't know the truth. In sugar dating it's pretty common for the allowance and help with rent/bills etc to start pretty early, sometimes after the second date.
The Way of the Househusband Season 1 Review • Anime UK News - Anime UK News
The Way of the Househusband Season 1 Review • Anime UK News.
Please, stop advising me NOT to go talk to my husband about this very serious situation that we are in. However, we have been married for over a decade, we have a family, and a life together. I understand what the situation probably is. I understand that he’s probably going to try to lie to me. It’s not like it’s something that bothers me every day, just something that I think about when I’m feeling insecure or paranoid (like in a situation like this where he gets an email from random apartment complexes lol). A former Yakuza Boss has swapped his criminal underworld life and position for the apron and domesticity for his family as only he could...
The term husband, translated literally, means the man who runs the house (via Online Etymology Dictionary). It doesn't even specify that a man has to be married — he just has to run a home. That's because the word is derived from the Old Norse words hus, or house, and bondi, which means a landowner or dweller, according to the Free Dictionary. Much like how wife came from words describing women regardless of their marital status, husband originally didn't have much to do with marriage. The etymology for the word wife is pretty straightforward. According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, it's derived from a handful European languages' words for woman.
If this is somehow all a big misunderstanding I'm going to have my husband explain it to me IN PERSON, instead of waiting until he comes home. I haven't gotten a chance to read all the comments but I will go through them now and try to respond to what I can. It was addressed to my husband, with his first and last name. We haven’t rented in over ten years and even then it wasn’t this place.
I don’t have any reason to mistrust my husband other than this weird email that gives me a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. As well as a general feeling of paranoia that he’s just been…bored with me. I’ve been feeling this way for a little while but he insists I’m imagining it and that he’s happy (I only bought it up to him once, when I was feeling particularly insecure last year). There was no unit number on the email but the complex is about 15 minutes away from our house so I went and I drove by. Which I guess might be a little crazy, I know. I didn’t see anything (not like I knew what to expect?) It’s a group of buildings.
Where my husband is (upstate NY) there isn’t any service. I tried to send him a picture of the email but it won’t go through. You can see the lengthy history of the term husband even in modern usage. Dictionary gives a lengthy list of definitions for the word, ranging from "a married man" to "to till; cultivate." Even the term hubby has a pretty lengthy history.
He betrayed you and deceived the girl as well, since he told her you were separated. I would inform her of the situation as well, she's a victim too, not as much as you, but still. Otherwise he might talk her into thinking you were just a jealous future ex wife stalking his new girlfriend or something.
Most read in The Sun
Both of us went over to the apartment and my friend knocked. A girl answered but didn't answer the door, just the bell camera. Infidelity has a way of either making things very messy or painfully clear. For some people, finding out that a partner cheated calls for an immediate break-up, no matter the situation — what we call a dealbreaker. For those who to choose to stay, well, it often takes a lot of work to re-establish that trust and build that bond up again, and even then, the relationship will never be exactly the same. That’s especially true when the affair results in a baby.
Gokushufudou: The Way of the House Husband (manga)
But regardless of where you live and what guidelines you follow, there will probably be a few things in common. For example, if there's a woman involved in the marriage, you'll likely be calling her a wife. Those words are almost as old as the institution of marriage itself, and they tend to mean exactly what you'd think they would. Marriage is one of the oldest traditions humans have. The expectations of a husband and wife might differ from one culture to the next, but the general idea is the same. You pick one person you love, and you spend the rest of your life with them.
MALxJapan -More than just anime-
Mr Bowen also revealed his daughter let her brother Darren, 46, live at the property. Ms Rayner is being investigated by police and HMRC over whether she lived at her ex-council house in Vicarage Road, Stockport. These are words often used in combination with husband. Gokushufudou or The Way of the House Husband is a comedy seinen manga written and drawn by Kousuke Oono. It is published in English by Viz Media LLC. The first volume is officially available for purchase on September 17th, 2019.
His brother and mother, who were there, were horrified. I’ve already contacted a divorce lawyer, a therapist, and a financial advisor. Getting answers first before starting to shop for lawyers is not strange in this case, even if it involves a long drive. That kind of confrontation is not just "are you having an affair?", there's plenty of other answers OP deserves also. Especially since the first answer really could be anything from "yes, that's my other wife" to "no, that's the daughter my HS gf hid from me for 25 years" and anything in between.
More Commonly Misspelled Words
According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, that word has been around since about 1680. Although we might have come together to use the word for one specific purpose, it has a variety of possible uses. It's been around for a while, even though it took some time for English speakers to come to a consensus on how to use it. He's clipping coupons, planning penny-saving meals — and taking his job as a househusband very, very seriously. An original net animation (ONA) series produced by J.C.Staff was released from April to October 2021 on Netflix. Since he seems to be good at making lies and playing with women.
Manga series by Kousuke Oono and its adaptations / From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I can also understand she may be under shock with how everything played out. Hopefully, she will find herself with some time to decompress and feel her feelings. Sending OP some peace and healing for this whole debacle of a situation.
Associating husbands and wives with weddings isn't exactly new, even if the etymology of the words comes from somewhere else. They just weren't used together, at least at first. According to the Free Dictionary, husbands usually had a husbonde, which was the "mistress of the house." And the Online Etymology Dictionary says that a wif usually had a wer, or a man. The words wife and husband stuck around, but their counterparts didn't.
The Way of the Househusband: The Gangster's Guide to Housekeeping Interview: Victoria Rosenthal & Laurie Ulster - Yahoo Entertainment
The Way of the Househusband: The Gangster's Guide to Housekeeping Interview: Victoria Rosenthal & Laurie Ulster.
When we left I could see her looking out the apartment window at us. I tried to call my husband a thousand times yesterday and nothing went through. My husband is on a trip with one of our sons and his brother to go visit their mother (my son's grandmother). I was cleaning up the den when an email notification popped up on his iPad. It was an email from an apartment complex that they were going to be temporarily closing down the hot water for repairs, sent from one of those automatic senders that you can’t reply to.
You can follow guidance on how to be a good spouse from religious texts like the Bible, or use the relationships of your parents or other family members to figure out how to make it work. “Messy” doesn’t even begin to cut it for that situation, which is what one woman on Reddit is finding out right now. She agreed to stay with her husband after an affair and an affair baby came to light — but now, somehow, it’s all getting even more complicated. With her husband asking that they take in the affair child (now older), the woman (aka our OP, or the author of the post) responded in a way that has Reddit’s Am I the Asshole? Read the full story, Reddit’s response, and our ultimate takeaways ahead.
From Scandinavian and Romantic languages use of wif, wifman, or weib, it's easy to see how we got to the word wife. But husband doesn't just come from the word for man. In fact, it's the combination of a couple different words.
10 Slice Of Life Anime Featuring Criminals - Screen Rant
The few times the call did pick up the service was so bad you could barely hear anything. So I'm headed upstate to confront him in person. I have a copy of the email, as well as a photo of the apartment, as well as a recording of the girl saying that Adam wasn't there (which is a confirmation to me that she knows him). My friend said she was there looking for Adam. The girl said that Adam wasn't there but wouldn't give her more information than that (which I get, my friend was just a total stranger at her door).
"OP should go straight to a lawyer and not bother talking to their partner about it first" might be the most stereotypically internet take of all time. Being in touch with a lawyer is not better than confronting him first. The only time you need to involve the lawyer before you involve your partner is when you feel unsafe, or if the partner could potentially hide evidence of their affair based on the confrontation.
To boost organization, outfit the shelves with baskets and organizers to hold office supplies and paperwork. Liven up a bare corner of the living or family room by installing a handful of wooden shelves. This is a low-commitment and low-cost way to display books and decor pieces including art and antiques. Mimic the look of a custom built-in bookcase for less by using floating shelves in an already recessed space. You’ll have more than enough room to organize books, framed art, houseplants, and more throughout the various shelves.
Photo 8: Secure the shelf
Our floating shelf design is plenty strong enough to hold stacks of dishes or just about anything you decide to load them up with. We spent months trying to find the perfect shelves for our kitchen and we knew it needed to be custom. We put our trust in customfloatingshelves.com and everything came out exactly as we hoped.
Sand and stain (or paint) the wood.
As far as tools go, you can get by with just a circular saw and edge guide (Photo 2) to cut the door. However, I recommend that you use a table saw to cut the cleat because a clean, straight cut is important for a good-looking shelf. (If you don’t own a table saw, use a friend’s or have the cleat cut at a full-service lumberyard.) You’ll also need a stud finder, a chisel, a hammer, a wrench, 1 in. It’s best to screw the cleat into a wall stud, which can be found using a stud finder.
The 7 Best Floating Shelves in 2023 domino - Domino
Have a single central high point or two high points on either end. If attaching to the drywall, add the wall plugs in first. Find out if there are any wires or light fittings behind your wall.
Floating Shelves Done Right: 12 Ways to Style Floating Shelves
These smaller shelves work well in places that are limited, such as your bathroom. Or they could be on the outside edge of your kitchen cabinets. Mount it above your sofa and create a focal point in the room. You can also use a rustic floating shelf to create a faux fireplace. Layer the decor with taller items in the back and shorter items towards the front.
A couple of cutting boards, landscape art, and all-white ceramic crockery keep the space simple and classy. An awkwardly sloped corner of a pantry or prep kitchen can be made functional by adding a custom floating shelf idea. Set out extra glassware and food storage containers filled with decanted pantry goods so they’re accessible whenever needed. With minimal décor, this above-the-bed floating shelf was styled for contrast. Small touches like black photo frames and a simple black line on the duvet add depth to a mostly-white room.
Step 8: Apply the Glue
Sometimes though, the size of the TV or layout of the space makes its overwhelming presence unavoidable. Move in a sturdy desk and a cushy chair, and you've got the makings of a functioning office. But hang some floating shelves and your operations are sure to run more efficiently. At this artist's workstation, open shelves hold books, artworks, and other items meant to inspire creativity.
Black Floating Shelf
Floating shelves are ideally suited for showing off pantry staples and kitchen decor. Use them to stash pretty glass jars filled with spices, rice, flour, sugar, coffee beans, and tea bags. Incorporate kitchen-related artwork, cookbooks, and pretty dishes to create displays that are both stylish and functional. Properly placed floating shelves make life easier in nearly any room. Set them within arm's reach of a desk chair or locate them so they can be accessed by someone in a standing position. Not only do floating shelves allow you to supplement kitchen storage, they let you place things exactly where they're needed most.
We love this small rectangular shape, which works as a handy bedside table. An ideal choice for a bathroom (especially if you're running out of cabinet space) is this minimalist floating shelf made from tempered glass. It'll look seamless on your bathroom wall, thanks to stainless steel brackets and concealed fixings. They're also a great decorative feature if you need to fill bland walls.
If there’s a bit of wall space left over where your upper cabinets end, don’t let it go to waste. Tack on a trio of short floating shelves that jut out from the cabinet and use them to store some of your prettiest pieces. A set of pink glass vases, a vintage tea kettle, and an assortment of greenery work together to create a beautiful yet functional area in this kitchen. In this living room, floating shelves are placed on either side of the fireplace to add plenty of surface area for displaying favorite pieces.
If you’ve got some items that you’d like to store or put on display, but are tired of the typical shelves – you’re in luck. The final step once the brackets are installed and the holes are drilled into your shelves, is to do the installation of the wood shelves. We placed our shelves right on the hardware by lining up the holes with the floating shelf brackets. Minimalist and contemporary, floating wall shelves are a timeless trend.
Although these shelves take up nearly the entire wall, they provide lots of space for books and other items. So if you’ve got the space – this might be a great way to go. Okay, so you think floating shelves are cool – but still not completely sold that they’re practical – this design might change your mind.
Though the hardware is included, you should opt for stronger, easier-to-drill fittings if you plan to max out the weight capacity of the shelves. If you’re taking a less is more approach, the existing support rods should suffice. To install floating shelves, start by measuring and marking the desired location on the wall using a measuring tape, pencil, and level to ensure the marks are straight. Once the brackets are in place, carefully slide the shelves onto them, making sure they are level and evenly spaced. Finally, secure the shelves to the brackets with screws, ensuring they are long enough to go through the shelf and into the bracket.
Whether she's working for editorial or brand clients, she loves helping people learn new and exciting information about all aspects of their homes and lives. With over ten years of experience, Andra understands the unique challenges that come with home improvement projects and interior design. If you have an open layout for your floorplan, you can tie your kitchen and dining room spaces together.
Create a Geometric Design
These floating triangle shelves compliment each other nicely and can also be use to create multiple shelves. Whether you’ve got a lot of things to show off of just a few, these triangle-shaped floating shelves will suit your needs. You may have a few that do not line up completely centered with the predrilled hole.
Photo 4: Screw the cleats for the french cleat floating shelf to the wall
The grain patterns in the wood and semi-exposed brackets give the shelves a rustic yet modern feel and the protective metal band around each one keeps items in place. There’s also a detachable towel bar, which can be used for dish rags or hanging mugs and utensils. To ensure the shelves sit flush against the wall, you may want to enlist the help of a handyman or woman. Installation is simple, with just a single screw required for each bracket. However, the brackets are a bit bulky compared to the sleekness of the shelves.
New Customer
If you have a cabinet mounted on the wall, you could have mini corner shelves mounted on the side of the cabinet. So choose a shelf material that will be impervious to the extra moisture. In House Beautiful Editorial Director Joanna Saltz's kitchen, cookbooks are kept not only within reach but also easy to find. It's the ideal storage solution for those of us who are better at remembering books' covers rather than their titles.
Here, Emil Dervish accents this space by giving the floating shelves a bright orange-red backdrop. You may want to change the depth of your shelves as well. Or you’ll start to weaken the cantilever strength of the shelf.
The 9 Best Floating Shelves 2021 - Popular Mechanics
However, despite this incredibly modern design, this shelf remains completely useable for showing off your items. Lena's creativity is certainly on display here, and it's a good starting point for another creative person to do something entirely different. The weight that your floating shelf can hold will depend on the size of the shelf and how you install it. You can put these corner shelves in any room you want, from the bathroom to the kitchen.
We love the rattan effect panels on this decorative wall shelf. Hollow-core door, lag screws and cleat that hold the shelf to the wall. You can buy new hollow-core interior doors at a home center or lumberyard (just be sure the door doesn’t have predrilled holes for locksets). Wide doors, but the door can be any width; just try to minimize the waste. And you might be able to get doors free from yard sales or other sources. While floating shelves are not designed to hold your old set of Encyclopedia Britannicas, this floating shelf is certainly capable of it.
Be sure to use a 40-tooth carbide blade for a smooth cut. For a cohesive, minimalist look, style your shelf with photos in frames that match the same tone of wood as the shelf itself. Bless those geniuses at 3M, but the answer is a resounding “No!
If you are doing our desktop tutorial as well many of the materials and processes are the same. Certain rooms of your home don’t need fancy decorative shelves. Instead, they need industrial shelves that are sturdy and strong.
The simple answer is anywhere you would normally place wood cabinetry is also acceptable for the shelves. Installation hardware is included in every custom floating shelf order. For information on how to install your custom floating shelves, visit our installation page. “If you're looking to add some accessories to fill a wall space, thinner is better so the accessories pop and it doesn't look too heavy,” Stephan notes. A perfect example of this is the Danya B Pristine Glass Floating Shelves. Slim and meant for smaller items, these shelves won’t overwhelm the lighter or more decorative pieces you place on them–or your smaller bathroom essentials.
Why settle for floating shelves when you can secure a floating cubby to the wall? In this living room, it strikes the balance between bohemian and polished. Two floating cubic shelves function as pedestals to prop up vases in this colorful dining room designed by Corey Damen Jenkins. This trick is perfect for a narrow wall in a dining room, hallway, or entry. Equal parts preppy and bohemian, contemporary and timeless, this kitchen by Anna Spiro Design is an eclectic dream.
A plaid rug adds a pop of personality while incorporating the statement colors and completing the theme. This floating shelf looks like it could be built-in to the rest of the room with its light wood style and warm hues. White backgrounds in the artwork help balance the colors of the bedding, while plants bring in plenty of texture. With woven baskets, a wooden statement corner, and neutral hues on the rug, the shelf serves as the final touch for a completed design. It's not an issue at all in this stunning living room that puts a floating shelf front and center. As the focal point over the fireplace, this light wood shelf breaks up a large, open wall while adding surface area for décor.
Paint or finish them to match the adjacent cabinets, so they recede, letting your backlit displays take center stage. Use the shelves to hold decorative items, or, to free up cabinet space, to hold frequently used dishware. A drop-down secretary’s desk is a smart way to conceal visual clutter, especially if your home office is in a shared living space. While they provide some storage, you can instantly add more by hanging a couple of floating shelves just above it.
The next step is applying the veneer to the edges to your shelves. For this project, we used a red oak veneer with a 1.5-inch thickness. This matches the same wood type as the plywood boards and is the exact thickness of our thin floating shelves.
Many people report that their dogs required a lot of patience and training to get used to this house. The Plastic Isn’t All That Sturdy - The plastic this dog house is made from isn’t all that strong. Sometimes these houses may even show up damaged from shipping.
Pasadena Showcase House of Design 2024: Step Inside the English Tudor Revival Manse
For a dog house made explicitly out of cedar, we recommend the Infinite Cedar Dog House. The seller claims that this house "will outlast any other cedar dog houses available on the market." The dimensions are 36"Lx36"Lx35H". If you are looking for an XL dog house which features an igloo shape, Petmate’s Indigo Dog House is worth a look.
What temperature range can dogs tolerate?
Further, dampness, cloud cover and wind chill all can make cold temperatures more dangerous. Both resources point out that there can be variations in temperature tolerance depending on your dog’s breed, coat, size, age, health, weight, conditioning and more. It is always best to play it safe and lean toward conservative estimates of what your dog can tolerate. If that is the case, you will need to consider the ideas discussed above for heating the dog house. Convenient - The lightweight materials and fast and easy folding are not the only features incorporated with portability in mind.
Do You Need an Extra Large Dog House?
The soft crate even includes storage pockets for useful supplies. Lightweight, Comfortable, and Breathable - With its soft fleece fabric and sturdy hex mesh, this soft crate is comfy for your pet. As it takes only seconds to collapse, you can move it even from one room to another in your house without a second thought.
Experts Discuss Whether Your Dog Can Actually Prevent Home Break-Ins - CNET
Experts Discuss Whether Your Dog Can Actually Prevent Home Break-Ins.
You have some tips for choosing a quality XL dog house, and we have checked out some of the best extra large dog houses on the market today. Click through on any of the links shared in this article to pick out the perfect house for your extra-large dog. Now, before you can choose the ideal XL dog house for your pet, it helps to learn a few things about shopping for extra large dog homes. In this buying guide, we'll go over what you need to know about the types of gigantic dog houses on the market and essential considerations when selecting a house for your dog. This extra-large dog house measures 73W x 39D x 42H inches on the outside and 30W x 30D x 40H inches on the inside. Thin Wood - As seems to be common with wooden dog houses (unfortunately), the wood used for this product is thin and a bit flimsy.
Because the plastic can bend, the floor isn’t always level either, even when you have a level surface. Not All That Portable - You can pick up the dog house and move it around, but it isn't easy to get a grip on it because of the igloo shape. But the unwieldy shape and lack of handles are only a minor detractor and one which most igloo dog houses suffer from.
A convenient mount bracket is ready if you choose to install a heater. Consider the Akoma Hound Heater Dog House Heater, which fits perfectly. The High-density Polyethylene (HDPE) parts of the dog house are protected from UV damage by pigments and antioxidants. Designer Mark Hermogeno paid tribute to Silver Queen Susanna Bransford Emery-Holmes in the kitchen, butler’s pantry, family room, powder room, and mudroom. “We had thought, What if she actually came back to life and asked us to remodel the space?
What is the best dog house for cold weather?
The best dog house for large dogs for the money is the Aspen Pet Petbarn 3 Plastic Dog House. This plastic dog house has an extended rim over the door to enhance weather resistance, especially to rain and snow. The raised interior floor makes sure your dog stays dry, even if water gets into the house. The rear vents increase ventilation, so airflow is good and smells are reduced, even in hot weather.
Pets Imperial Insulated Wooden Dog House
“I’m all about gardens connecting the architecture into the landscape,” landscape architect Timothy John Palcic tells AD PRO. He used a limited palette of chartreuse and dark hues that nod to the brick exterior and arranged benches to create intimate seating areas within the larger English-garden-inspired space. Jerome Thiebault created a polished and petite bathroom complete with storage and a shower. Troweled cement plaster was applied to the walls, and handcrafted Zia tile adds pattern to the floor. Bursts of hot pink and apple green energize Steven Cordrey’s design for the home’s veranda. Hand-beaded light fixtures illuminate the seating areas, which feature tables and chairs from Janus et Cie’s Amalfi Coast outdoor collection.
It’s made with water-resistant stained wood, stainless-steel hardware, and an asphalt shingle roof to protect against the elements. It has a raised base that keeps your dog dry and increases airflow. This dog house is only recommended for dogs up to 80 pounds, and dogs heavier than this may cause the raised bottom to break. Some people have reported water getting underneath the shingles, leading to the breakdown of the wood underneath, so extra weatherproofing to the roof may be necessary. Smart Roof and Door Design - This house has a large, tall door that is easy to get in and out of, making it ideal for dogs that have a hard time with smaller or lower openings.
“One of the main things we did was add a window seat, which looks like it should always have been here,” Slesinski says. “Our whole goal with this space was basically to turn the lights on in the room, bring in the garden that’s outside, and kind of have an experience of a breath of fresh air,” Brosio says. The MidWest Eillo Folding Wood Dog House is a nice option if you’d like a more compact dog house because this dog house can be collapsed. It requires no assembly and just needs to be unfolded to set up. The adjustable legs enable you to stabilize it on multiple surfaces.
If your dog is close to 95 pounds or less, you might consider the Trixie Dog House, another of our favorite wooden dog houses. The materials used in construction include glazed pine, metal, plastic, and composite asphalt shingles on the roof. With the tongue-and-groove design, water is less likely to penetrate to the interior. The Dog Palace Insulated Heated Dog House is a great option for dogs that live or spend time outdoors in a cold area.
Designer Ashleigh Miranda focused on juxtaposing technology and earthy elements in her moody media room. As the Pasadena Showcase House of Design enters its 59th year, it’s returning to a familiar setting. Although no tools are required, it may be easiest to have two people available to assemble this dog house. The instructions may also be slightly confusing, making this a time-consuming project. Some of the pieces may be somewhat fragile, so make sure to handle the pieces with care and be gentle when assembling and moving this dog house.
The designer established two seating areas within the space, including a cozy gathering spot with chaise longues that flank the original carved marble fireplace. The room’s coffered ceilings were enhanced with a faux-wood decorative painting by Jhon Ardilla. The designers worked with a color palette of Dunn-Edwards paints, and several chose to highlight the brand’s 2024 Color of the Year, a steely blue called Skipping Stones. Others focused on bringing the beauty of the estate’s gardens and views inside with verdant murals, floral fabrics, and nature-inspired lighting. There are many dog house designs on the market, so there is something for every backyard that won’t detract from its appearance.
Approximately 120 Mistreated Dogs and Puppies Rescued from Breeding Operation in Florida - ASPCA
Approximately 120 Mistreated Dogs and Puppies Rescued from Breeding Operation in Florida.
Accommodate Up to Two Dogs - What is cool about this dog house is that you can put one very large dog in it, or you can put two large dogs in it. If you do the latter, you can partition it, and there is a separate doorway for each dog. Water Can Get In Through the Door - The positioning of the overhang and the lack of a door means that water can sometimes blow into the dog house. Make sure to position it away from the direction of the wind if possible, or consider installing a door.
The Los Angeles Times notes that this would be the most expensive home sale in Southern California this year. Luxury real estate sales have slowed since Measure ULA was implemented in April, putting a transfer tax on Los Angeles property sales that exceed $5 million. The 25,000-square-foot house is currently the most expensive home for sale in the zip code. Despite the eminently recognizable zip, the mansion sits in Beverly Crest, a well-to-do neighborhood bordering Beverly Hills but still in Los Angeles. The houses are next door to a 12,500-square-foot home that Drake also owns at 5841 Round Meadow Road, dubbed his YOLO estate, which he listed at the same time for $14.8 million. The rapper known for “Hold on, We’re Going Home” spends much of his time in his hometown of Toronto, where he owns a 50,000-square-foot mansion in the tony Bridle Path neighborhood.
Drake's Beverly Hills Kitchen
Indeed, the scale of the rooms sets the tone for the home experience from the moment one enters the vast entry hall, which is clad in solid limestone with beveled inserts of Nero Marquina marble beneath a faceted ceiling of antique mirror framed in bronze. The epic great room, which soars to 44 feet high, pumps up the volume even further. “Drake’s world completely revolves around music, so he wasn’t going to buy just any piano. This prized possession is an authentic marriage of artistry, craft, and quality,” Rafauli notes. The hip-hop superstar reveals himself in all his new music, including his latest project, "More Life," which is touted as a "playlist" and includes some of the rapper and singer's best tracks to date. Drake's property is being repped by The Beverly Hills Estates, which describes itself as having reached "the pinnacle of the global real estate market," so sounds like he's in good hands.
Drake is buying Robbie Williams’ Beverly Crest mansion for more than $70 million
The price tag is a reflection of the prized property’s rare combination of size and scale, which is unmatched in the Beverly Hills Post Office area. The trophy estate spans 20,000 square feet on more than 20 acres; for reference, there is no other home on the market in the ZIP Code with even close to that much land. The furnishings, here as throughout the home, were all custom designed by Rafauli in materials that range from dyed ostrich skin and mohair to macassar and bronze.
Latest California
On the third verse, Drake finally takes the AI effects off and raps in his own voice. AI Snoop Dogg opens his verse by rapping, “Nephew, what the fuck you really 'bout to do? / We passed you the torch in the House of Blues,” which references the infamous moment in 2011 when Snoop, Dr. Dre, and The Game passed the symbolic west coast rap torch to Kendrick in front of a live audience.
Drake lists the ‘YOLO estate’ previously owned by Hugh Hefner for $14.8 million
Features include the formal living and dining rooms, a gourmet kitchen with a breakfast room, a library and a two-family room — one of which doubles as a screening room. The property boasts canyon, city and ocean views surrounded by lush gardens and grounds, the listing says. An insider told The Post that the 36-year-old has no plans of buying other property in the US anytime soon — adding that he is most comfortable in his hometown of Toronto, Canada’s largest city. The Canadian rapper seemingly just settled down in Los Angeles only to get cold feet, putting his newly-purchased $75 million mansion home back on the market.
The oversized primary suite has a retractable wall that opens to a private patio, complete with vista views. Drake, whose full name is Aubrey Drake Graham, is an active trader in real estate. The property comes with an 11-car garage and a motor court with room for a dozen more. Drake has never shied away from rapping about food—seriously—so we bet he loved this gourmet kitchen, which boasts stainless appliances, marble countertops, and two islands. With floating woven light pendants and a majestic fountain, this space feels like you're rolling up to a five-star hotel—not someone's house. It’s Drake’s third and final home sale in Los Angeles’s Beverly Hills, and he saved the best for last.
Chris Brown Goes Low On Latest Quavo Diss “Weakest Link,” Huncho…
As the LA Times noted, if Drake can get a buyer to cough up $88m for his house, it'll be the most expensive home sale in Southern California all year amidst the region's weakened luxury real estate market. There is also a full-size beach volleyball court, an 80-foot slide, and an outdoor fireplace. Amenities include a basketball court, a tennis court, and an equestrian ring. Overall the house boasts a wine cellar, a tasting room, six fireplaces, and a theater that seats 25, according to TMZ. Highlights of the 10-bedroom, 22-bathroom estate include a double-height foyer with a grand staircase, a living room with two fireplaces, wine cellar, gym, an elevator, a kitchen with dual islands and an upstairs master bedroom with a view of Los Angeles and the Pacific Ocean.
With a marble bathtub, skylight and picture windows, the ensuite bathroom is pure opulence. Drake, whose full name is Aubrey Drake Graham, has released seven studio albums since 2010, including the surprise release of “Honestly, Nevermind,” which dropped this month. He’s sold more than 170 million records en route to four Grammy Awards and also founded the Toronto record label OVO Sound in 2012. As this spacious living room proves, two fireplaces and seating areas are better than one. To top off an already-appealing party room, this space has the perfect line of sight to downtown Los Angeles. Because the compound is found in Beverly Crest — an affluent enclave above Beverly Hills, but technically in the city of L.A.
Drake, 50 Cent, Chris Brown among 5 rappers registered to vote at same house as apparent prank in Katy, Texas - KABC-TV
Drake, 50 Cent, Chris Brown among 5 rappers registered to vote at same house as apparent prank in Katy, Texas.
The song was previewed in full exclusively through Drake’s Instagram on April 19, 2024, after he had officially dropped his first diss track “Push Ups” earlier in the day. Your choices for on-campus housing include a single, double, or triple room or a four-person suite in Goodwin-Kirk Hall or Jewett Hall. After your first two years on campus, you can request to live off campus in Greek housing, the student-only apartment complex, Drake West Village, or other apartments or houses in the neighborhood. So, while Drake is more along the lines of Hip Hop / R&B / Pop — there’s definitely no denying he’s got rhymes. Let’s be real, Wayne isn’t exactly the charitable type and it’s highly unlikely that he would sign Drake if his mixtapes weren’t sick (they were). When asked what he’ll do if the neighbors complain about his huge home and the potential noise that comes along with Drake living next door, he says he’ll buy their damn house!
The singer recently rented out a newly built, 18,000-square-foot Beverly Hills abode worth $65 million for a few luxurious days and nights. Around the same time Drake purchased the Beverly Hills estate, he listed his previous Los Angeles digs — a trio of properties in guard-gated Hidden Hills for $22 million. Eventually, he sold two of the three properties to Los Angeles Rams quarterback Matthew Stafford for $11 million.
Drake’s decision to use artificial intelligence in a diss track is a polarizing development in this feud. Assuming that Akademiks is correct and Drake did in fact write and rap the first two verses himself (before applying AI Tupac and Snoop filters to his voice), it was a very clever chess move to use Kendrick’s idols against him. It further dramatizes an already theatrical beef, and it’s a way for Drake to try and remove potential disses from the board that Kendrick could’ve used against him. After weeks of discussion about AI in rap, thanks to all of the fake diss tracks popping up, Drake leaned into his internet-savvy ways and figured out how to use the technology as a weapon in his own diss song. “Taylor Made Freestyle” is the second diss track from Toronto rapper Drake in his beef with Compton rapper and pgLang co-founder Kendrick Lamar, which was largely ignited through the latter’s verse on Future & Metro Boomin’s March 2024 song “Like That”. In 2018, Drake threw down a little over $300k for additions that included an expansion of his already massive 1,695 square foot bedroom (adding an extra 98 feet), an addition to the maid’s room, and a kitchen upgrade.
Of particular note is the sprawling primary suite, which has its own deep private terrace overlooking the backyard, pool, and views. The ensuite bathroom has an entire living room, a massive closet, dressing room, vanity, and a grand marble soaking tub. This salon-like bathroom and closet area is bigger than most people’s homes or apartments. For this feature alone, it’s easy to see what makes the home so appealing.
Fans React To Odell Beckham Jr.’s Story Of Drake’s House Being Robbed - Rap-Up
Fans React To Odell Beckham Jr.’s Story Of Drake’s House Being Robbed.
Williams rose to stardom as a member of Take That in the 1990s and also found major success a solo artist with hits such as “Candy,” “Angels” and “Rock DJ.” He bought it from Armand Marciano, the fashion mogul who co-founded the clothing brand Guess. Drake, whose full name is Aubrey Drake Graham, has released six studio albums and seven mixtapes since 2006. One of the bestselling modern artists, he’s sold more than 170 million records en route to four Grammy Awards and also founded the Toronto record label OVO Sound in 2012.
The space is 20,000 square feet, palatial by just about anyone’s standards though still less than half the size of the Grammy winner’s Toronto home. Inside, a wine cellar, gym, and game room can be found, along with a handy 11-car garage should Drake have a luxury vehicle collection that needs storing. It would be no surprise if the musician drastically renovated the 10 bedroom, 22 bathroom home, as he’s used to ultra-custom environs in his Canadian dwelling, which he built with architectural and interior designer Ferris Rafauli. The trophy mansion is nestled on three acres located high in the affluent hills above Benedict Canyon, accessed via gates and a very long driveway. Inside, the neutral-hued interiors are an entertainer’s daydream, with seven bedrooms and 13 bathrooms.
Beyond, the compound spans 20 acres of olive and oak trees, with stunning city and ocean views and a “hidden” orchard, according to the listing. There’s also a mosaic-tiled pool that is accompanied by a guesthouse, an outdoor kitchen, a full-size tennis court, and an 11-car garage. The crown jewel of the compound is the “Yolo Estate” — slang for “you only live once” — that Drake transformed into a party house during his stay. Rustic on the outside with Tudor-style flourishes, the home opens to 12,500 square feet of dramatic spaces with seven bedrooms, nine bathrooms, six fireplaces, a wine cellar, tasting room, bar, recording studio and movie theater. Hidden behind a bookshelf, the primary suite alone covers 2,000 square feet and tacks on two marble tubs.
Trousdale Estates was developed in the 1950s and 60s for the crème de la crème of Beverly Hills society by real estate developer Paul Trousdale, with the fitting slogan, “life above it all”. Spread out on over 162 hectares (400 acres) at one of the highest points in Beverly Hills in the foothills of the Santa Monica Mountains, Trousdale’s famous residents, past and current, include Elvis Presley, Katy Perry, Simon Cowell, Jennifer Aniston and Richard Nixon. There’s a guest house, outdoor kitchen, a “hidden” orchard and a guest house with a mosaic-tiled swimming pool, according to the listing. Elsewhere are seven bedrooms and nine bathrooms, including a 2,000-square-foot primary suite that’s hidden behind a bookshelf. The two other homes up for grabs are a 3,600-square-foot ranch listed at $4.5 million and a 2,500-square-foot ranch listed at $2.9 million.
A group in which all members were actually NOT black, but believed that they were black on the inside. Kid'N'Play leave their neighborhood and enter the world of adulthood and higher education. A sequel to the film, titled House Party 3, was released on January 12, 1994. Eventually, Play sees the con artists trying to coerce Zora, Sidney’s socially conscious roommate.
Full Cast of House Party 2 Actors/Actresses
Instead, it focuses more on the characters' personal lives ranging from dating to education and career ambitions. The titular festivities, this time around, is a college pajama party instead of a high school house party. Kid gets into college, but a phony music producer steals his scholarship money, and soon he'll be kicked out.
year-old girl allegedly mobbed by parents, beaten by student in caught-on-video altercation at NY high school
MovieMeter aims to be the largest, most complete movie archive with reviews and rankings, in the World. Our team of journalists delivers the latest news for movies and TV shows. A soundtrack containing hip hop and R&B music was released on October 15, 1991 by MCA Records. It peaked at 55 on theBillboard 200 and 23 on the Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums, becoming the most successful of the House Party soundtracks. The dean tells Kid, Play, Bilal, and Jamal to clean up the hall, or they will face expulsion.
Production Designer
With all of his options exhausted, Kid still has to drop out of school and He goes to his father's grave inside the cemetery to try to sort things out until Play comes inside the cemetery trying to talk to Kid. Kid is still disappointed with Play for causing him to drop out of college. In order to raise the money he needs and win back Sidney, Kid, Play, Bilal and Jamal secretly hold a pajama themed party for the students in the faculty dining hall.
Movie Editing
At home, Kid tries to convince his father Christopher "Pop" Robinson Sr. to let him go to the party. After getting a call from school about Kid's fight with Stab, Pop changes his mind and grounds Kid for his actions. House Party 2 cast list, listed alphabetically with photos when available.
House Party Reboot: Plot, Cast, Release Date, and Everything Else We Know - MovieWeb
House Party Reboot: Plot, Cast, Release Date, and Everything Else We Know.
As the credits roll, Pop is heard hitting Kid with the belt. Crashing the reunion, Kid has the DJ scratch and mix a few of his old doo wop records so that he can liven the party with a rap, until Stab and the others arrive. Trying to escape, Kid accidentally knocks down an older man.
Critics Reviews
Kid struggles having to work to pay for school as well as writing a paper for a demanding professor. To top it off, Kid is hunted by his high school bullies, Stab, Zilla, and Pee Wee, who take jobs as campus security. House of the Dragon Season 2 is still a few months away, but the unfolding Targaryen civil war for control of the seven kingdoms of Westeros has already begun. There can only one king or queen on the Iron Throne. Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen (Emma D'Arcy) is the rightful heir, and her followers are known as the Blacks. However, Rhaenyra's half-brother, King Aegon II Targaryen (Tom Glynn-Carney) is the usurper who sits on the throne with his followers, the Greens, behind him.
After failing to find him, Pop vows to wait for Kid at home. In his high-school cafeteria, Peter, also known as "Play," announces that he will be having a party at his house that night, as his parents are on vacation. Their friend Christopher "Kid" Robinson Jr. gets involved in an altercation with school bully Stab and his brothers, Pee-Wee and Zilla.
7 Reasons Why I Think "House Party" Is The Next Black Classic - BuzzFeed
7 Reasons Why I Think "House Party" Is The Next Black Classic.
Kid eventually finds out what Play did and fights him. Unable to pay his tuition and enrollment fees, Kid tries to reason with the dean but is only given a week to gather the money he needs. The dean's assistant, Miles, helps Kid with an extension and a job in the dining hall, working for Mr. Lee, a man who runs the hall like a military officer.
The cast members of House Party 2 have been in many other movies, so use this list as a starting point to find actors or actresses that you may not be familiar with. It goes without saying that the solution to his financial problems is to hold another house party, this time in the faculty dining room. Admission is $10 for men, free for women who wear nightwear; sexual politics haven't arrived on this campus yet. Reid stars once again as Kid, who goes off to college with scholarship money provided by the congregation of his church. But he loses the money to some slick con-artist record promoters. And so then he has to try to talk his way into school, past an unfriendly dean and various other enemies.
Play attempts to get rich quick in the music business while Kid faces the challenges of college. Christopher Reid is an engaging actor who doesn't push this lightweight material too hard, and the other performances are all well within the tradition of teenage comedy. "House Party 2" is a genial and good-humored sequel to the surprise 1990 hit, but not much more. It contains a lot of listenable music, some of it by wonderfully energetic rap artist Queen Latifah, who turns up as the heroine's roommate. And Christopher Reid is back again as the hero, a bright black student with a sky-high haircut who wants to do the right thing but is forever getting into trouble. Kamron (the white kid Jamal) was a good addition, he was a rapper in a little known group called YOUNG BLACK TEENAGERS.
He and Play organize a major lucrative pajama party where the women dress scantily and men must pay to get in. Here you will find an overview of the cast of the movie House Party 2 from the year 1991, including all the actors, actresses and the director. When you click on the name of an actor, actress or director from the movie House Party 2-cast you can watch more movies and/or series by him or her. Lured by dreams of stardom, Play signs over Kid's college scholarship check. Unaware of this, Kid starts school and meets his roommate Jamal Johnson, a white kid obsessed with all things Black.
We selected the best home security systems of 2024, including ADT (best for customization and versatility), SimpliSafe (best DIY) and Ring (best budget option) ... Recently, Arlo stopped selling single units of the Arlo Pro 4, so you can only purchase it in a pack with 2, 3, or 4 cameras. That means you will need the unlimited tier of the Arlo Secure subscription plan, which starts at $13 per month (or $150 per year). A home security system can improve overall home safety, protecting you and your family from potential home intruders. Top home security systems protect you from unexpected break-ins and allow you to keep an eye on your home remotely.
Best Home Security Systems for Rural Areas in 2024 - Security.org
Best Home Security Systems for Rural Areas in 2024.
The Best Home Security Systems To Protect You, Your Stuff And Your Home
Besides the systems above, we've tested many of the top competitors, including Abode Iota, Frontpoint, Kangaroo, Cove and ADT. DIY systems Frontpoint, Cove and Kangaroo all had features to recommend them. Frontpoint's system is reliable, and its hardware is reasonably priced, but its $45 monthly monitoring fee is too expensive. Kangaroo, by contrast, is incredibly wallet-friendly, but its doorbell camera is terrible, so Wyze keeps its edge in the budget category too. Cove Home Security, despite reasonable hardware prices, fell to an overly restrictive subscription model that doesn't allow for self-monitoring or app access without significant monthly fees.
Protection from burglars and intruders
A unique aspect was the inclusion of a quiz aimed at pinpointing the right security features for our specific requirements, adding a personalized flair to the browsing experience. Support resources were easily accessible, ensuring any questions or technical issues could be quickly addressed. Overall, SImpliSafe’s website exemplified a user-centric design, facilitating a seamless process to understand and select home security solutions.
Arlo Essential Flat and Apartment Security Kit
With an impressive track record spanning over 145 years, ADT provides a wide array of services, including advanced intrusion detection, environmental safety measures and cutting-edge smart home automation. The integration capabilities of ADT systems with various smart home devices enhance user convenience and allow for a highly customizable security setup. Depending on what you need, the best security cameras will boast features such as two-way talk, night vision, motion detection, a wide field of view and high resolution. The Reolink 4K Ultra HD camera (RLC-810A) ticks many of those boxes, offering detailed video capture and impressive night vision, ideal for monitoring the exterior of your home. Features include motion detection – with vehicle and pet options – alongside full customisation of notification schedules. Reolink offers professional-grade desktop software and a comprehensive smartphone app, allowing you to access camera feeds and events from anywhere worldwide without needing a recurring subscription.
Help me, Tom's Guide: Which outdoor security camera should I buy? - Tom's Guide
Help me, Tom's Guide: Which outdoor security camera should I buy?.
You can buy cameras that let you record to a USB drive or SD card and access it over your own home network rather than host it on their own servers. While you might miss out on more advanced features like AI event detection, this is a big step for what I consider core functionality—the ability to view footage at any time. If you want the best balance of security and affordability, the cameras below are some of the best options you can buy right now. It earned a 4.0 rating from us thanks to its affordability and smart features that are easy to use.
The Google Nest Cam With Floodlight is Google’s second-generation security camera that gets hardwired to the outside of your home. You can do this yourself if you’re replacing an existing outdoor floodlight, or you can hire an electrician. Once installed, this camera lets you monitor your property via a live 1080p video feed to your mobile device using the Google Home app. When the built-in motion sensor detects movement, two bright floodlights engage—capturing would-be intruders in the act, and hopefully scaring them away.
The best security system for smart-home enthusiasts
Complaints mainly take issue with broken or missing equipment as well as issues with the cancellation process. Like many home security companies we researched, Ring has generally low customer reviews on sites like the BBB and Trustpilot. It’s worth noting that many negative reviews we saw mention the company’s recent hike in subscription rates. We noticed that ADT home security tends to have mixed reviews online, with higher ratings on sites like Consumer Affairs than on the BBB. Critical reviews take issue with the company’s customer service lines, citing complications with cancellations and service requests.
One especially daunting topic is how companies encrypt video, a process that keeps outside entities and companies from accessing your data and video recordings. Ring is the only one of our picks that offers encryption from end to end (as an opt-in feature). That means your videos can’t be accessed by anyone, including Ring, even if the footage is requested by law enforcement via a subpoena or court order.
Best professional installation: Vivint
However, we saw that positive reviews praise the company’s helpful technicians and its well-functioning home security systems. ADT’s reputation for reliability and comprehensive monitoring services, combined with innovative security features, make it a standout choice. Its unique guarantees and customer-focused policies reflect ADT’s commitment to security and customer satisfaction. The Abode Edge Camera is a camera that is the first on the market to use ultra long-range HaLow wireless with a range of more than a mile.
We also dismissed the Ooma Smart Security system because the monitoring option isn’t currently available in Alabama, Arkansas, the District of Columbia, Florida, Maryland, Montana, Rhode Island, or Virginia. Although they worked well, we dismissed the Ecobee Smart Security system and the Eufy Security 5-Piece Home Alarm Kit due to lack of add-ons. The Wyze Home Security System is missing cellular backup and fire protection, and we no longer recommend using Wyze products.
Talk to your insurance advisor and ask if they have such offers and, if they do, which specific security systems would make you eligible. Ring also has a vast array of cameras, a legacy from the days when it was a camera-only system. It offers doorbell, outdoor, indoor, and spotlight cameras, to name a few. And it also sells other handy smart home items, like a mailbox sensor or a lighting system for your sidewalk.
Others, including many DIY systems, may require self-installation and setup. These systems should come with detailed instructions and are often easy to set up. In most cases, you can simply place or mount the devices where desired, then connect them to your Wi-Fi and other smart home devices (if compatible) via an app.
The starter package includes 24/7 monitoring, intrusion detection, and a control panel. The Premium package adds video security and theft deterrence, while the Premium Plus package also has voice control, stored video, smart home automation, and vehicle protection. When it comes to the best home security system installed by a professional, you have a number of options. Frontpoint offers a simple and smart monitored home security service, using a wide range of different wireless devices. No professional installation is required and you can set up your cameras, sensors, and other monitors precisely where you think you need them, and everything is pre-configured to work together out of the box. Many home security and alarm companies require you to sign a contract for professional monitoring services.
Consider things like the number of ground-level doors and windows, multiple floors and entrances, and outbuildings—like a garage or shed. Pricing for each kit depends on the features you select, but there's a lot of room for customization so you can really personalize it. However, some minor downsides tend more toward being inconveniences rather than overtly bad issues. The following are some pros and cons to consider before investing in your security system. The absence of transparent online pricing means potential customers must contact Vivint directly for quotes, which could be seen as an inconvenience. CNET rates credit cards by comparing their offers to those of their categorical competitors.
Mix it up with a white bed and matching decor and you will rest like a true blue royal every night. Fabulously balanced and soothing, a sweep of this shade of blue on your bedroom wall can never really go wrong. Call dibs on this one if you like to keep it simple, natural and slightly peppy at the same time.
Blue and Grey Bedroom with Brown Wooden Bed
A pale yellow home with white accents is sure to make all who enter, and even those who pass by, smile. For his family’s Florida vacation home, designer Doniphan Moore chose to paint the classic Georgian’s columns in white to contrast with the light yellow walls. By evaluating paint colors at different times of day, you’ll get a better sense of whether or not you’ll like them in the long run. Even a little cloud cover can completely change how a color looks, turning it from a nice sage green to more of a '70s avocado. Watch how the color looks over the course of a few days or a week. That'll help you decide what exterior paint color combination works best for your style and home.
Choose a Shapeshifting Tone
A refined palette of blues and greens accented with white make this bedroom by the firm Wesley-Wayne Interiors a restful haven. A blue-painted ceiling, redolent of a cloudless, afternoon sky, imparts a dreamy aura in this retreat-like bedroom designed by Sophia Shibles. The firm Laura U, Inc. puts a fresh twist on classic red and blue by opting for shades of royal blue and burgundy in this luxurious bedroom.
How do I choose the right bed and mattress?
For balance, pair the colorful bedspread with neutral-colored furniture. A rancher in Upstate New York got a glam upgrade starting with the royal blue walls in the master bedroom, upholstered in a Ralph Lauren wool suiting. The ceiling is covered in a Stark tea-leaf paper, the custom wool carpet is by Hokanson and the artwork over the bed is by Richard Serra. Forgo a headboard, and create a gallery wall instead to frame your bed.
14 Best Ways To Your Bedroom Feel Extra Cozy - Southern Living
If you are looking for some blue inspiration, click through these blue room ideas that show off the color in all its versatility and splendor. Include a unique canopy bed frame to add an interesting element to your bed. Create a gorgeous ombre effect on your bedroom's walls to add depth to the room. Make the ombre walls the stars of your room by using only a few small wall decorations. Place mirrors on your nightstands' drawers for a unique look that will brighten up your blue bedroom.
Pair Baby Blue With Pink
Pair the pillow with other decorative pillows in matching colors and patterns. Make your blue bedroom feel nautical by using a fun decorative pillow featuring a sea creature. Pair the pillow with nautical wall decorations, like this room's gold turtle shell. Make a cute DIY headboard by painting vintage window shutters bright blue. For a fun addition, place little chalkboards above the headboard.
Pastel shades for happy ambience
The sheets and blanket are by Deborah Sharpe Linens, the pillow is covered in an 18th-century embroidered silk and the rug is by Mark Nelson. In a Greek isle home, the beds in the guest room are covered with blankets by Andrianna Shamaris and draped with mosquito netting. This is a scenario when it really pays to take your time and be hands-on. You’ll be living with these colors for the next decade, if you’re lucky, so try not to let anything (your contractor’s schedule included) rush your decision. A deep canopy bed can be a great touch of comfort for any children’s room, especially a young girl’s room.
To warm up a bright bedroom without painting all the surfaces something other than classic white, cover one wall with wallpaper in a fun print and another in a warm, neutral color. Corey Damen Jenkins opted for a light sandy beige hue in this bedroom, marrying the cooler blues, whites, and grays with the warmer wood and cream tones as well as the brass accents. Signifying security and calm, blue is everyone’s favourite colour. Unconfrontational and ever so mellow, it reminds of the gently rolling sea, beach holidays and the stillness of the world’s most beautiful lakes.
Simple Changes
Place a colorful decorative pillow on the chair to add another dimension to it. Include nautical details throughout your room in both your decor and your wall art. Though typically considered a cool color, blue creates a warm, inviting space in Ralph Lauren executive Buffy Birrittella's East Hampton home.
The way is by adding a similar blue tone on the bed by using some items, such as a blanket, bedspread, or even bedding set. Choosing the right furniture can add warmth needed in a cold blue and grey bedroom. This white paint color doesn’t only add a relaxing feel in the room. It also reflects light impressively, so the bedroom looks bright. There is something special about the combination of these three colors.
Allow your home to harmonize with the greenery that surrounds it by creating a jade and olive color scheme, as HGTV stars Ben and Erin Napier did for this Laurel, Mississippi, home. The siding is painted in Rookwood Jade and the porch flooring is in Renwick Olive, both by Sherwin-Williams, to reflect the natural landscape. Now let’s do something on the contrary from some of the ideas in this list. About the use of neutral wall paint like this, the existence of the black trim is a great thing.
Blue is a great color to decorate with if you want to create a relaxing country feel or if you want to decorate a room in a beach house. Incorporate a custom pillow that is designed not only around you but around the color scheme of the bedroom too. Tie together this look by using other wooden elements like a wooden nightstand or wooden desk. Light color is the ideal color to use if you want to pull together a simple look. This design idea is very simple and requires you to play around with a very light tone.
Along with this hue, use plenty of beige to help brighten up space. Use a statement piece to decorate and create an atmosphere of luxury. You can do this by incorporating a tufted velvet bed in your sleeping space. Because velvet and dark blue are both bold, it’s best to leave this color as the focal point in your bed only. Blue, especially navy blue can be a very masculine and sophisticated color to decorate with. Incorporate this hue on an accent wall and decorate using a headboard made out of shiplap or wooden paneling.
This is the perfect hue for a more traditional bedroom idea but you could adapt it to suit a more modern style by pairing it with white and navy blue. The right exterior house colors can make or break a first impression. “Paint sets the tone for what you want your home to express,” Katie Burnet, an interior designer with Rumor Designs in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, says. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the decision—especially considering what a big, expensive, and highly visible undertaking painting your house can be—you're definitely not alone. That’s why we’ve put together an expert guide to help you choose an exterior color palette you love.
With a small space, keeping things clean with shades of white makes the space airy. With touches of navy and periwinkle, this bedroom looks elegant without trying too hard. If you want to use blue paint in a more subtle way, painting the trim is a great way to add some visual interest. If your bedroom features doors like this one, painting the frame blue draws the eyes outside to make the space look larger. Pink and blue are often pitted against each other, but they play pretty nicely together as proven by this bedroom by Studio DB. A baby pink sconce and blue upholstered headboard add some sweetness to the green and gray elements throughout.
The same thing also happens when you have more bright gray tones in the grey and blue bedroom design. Another remarkable thing about blue and grey combination for a bedroom is that both of the hues are very suitable to use to build a beach style place. In other words, if you are someone you are so into beach style bedroom this color combination is the one you need to take into consideration. For cozy feels and laid back vibes, it is an ideal colour for your chamber. Create a luxurious bedroom by painting the walls a dark, flat blue tone paired with deep, rich plum purple accents. Start by creating an accent wall and then pairing it with greek bedding.
The main house has seven bedrooms and 13 bathrooms, and a pool/guest house with a mosaic-tiled pool and indoor-outdoor kitchen. There’s also a hidden tennis court with an orchard and an 11-car garage. An elevator, wine cellar, gym, and game room completes the lavish amenities on property. As this is a celebrity-favorite home, it only makes sense that there are three extra en suite bedrooms for staff. It’s also an ideal residence for those who love to entertain and host parties, with its large kitchen and several gathering spots. The property was never listed publicly, so little is known about the appearance of the space or the particulars of the deal, though the LA Times reports that Drake is paying approximately $50 million.
Drake’s party compound, the ‘Yolo Estate,’ sells for $12 million
While currently off the market, the home, pegged “Elementi,” went on sale back in April after a complete six-year rebuild, according to Dirt. But there's something unique about Drake's mansion, which he bought for $7.7 million from Saddle Ranch owner Larry Pollack in mid-2012, Curbed reports. “Because I was building it in my hometown, I wanted the structure to stand firm for 100 years,” Drake told Architectural Digest back in 2020. To accomplish this, Titel Media GmbH tests, remediates and maintains the Website in-line with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), which also bring the Website into conformance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
Take A Look At Drake’s $88M Mansion In Beverly Hills
(In an interview with BBC Radio, Williams said the house has 27 toilets), including an upstairs master retreat with a two-story closet and a salon-style bathroom bigger than some houses. There’s also a living room with two fireplaces, a library, wine cellar, screening room, gym, and game room (though, unlike in Drake’s Toronto mansion, it’s unclear if he has that secret Birkin stash for his future wife). Amenities include an 11-car garage, elevator, wine cellar, gym and game room. The highlights continue outside, where terraces and balconies overlook a mosaic-tile pool, outdoor kitchen, tennis court and orchard.
Men's Basketball at Drake's House Photo Gallery - UKAthletics
This is what Billie Eilish talks about when she’s not promoting ‘Barbie, Barbie, Barbie’
Reached by a stone bridge, the two-story spot is decked out with custom chandeliers, rock fireplaces and amenities such as a bar, wine cellar, tasting room, recording studio and movie theater. The resort-style home looks plucked out of the Tuscan countryside with lush landscaping, including an orchard, mature olive trees, ancient oaks, and manicured lawns. There are also incredible city, ocean, and mountain views from nearly every inch of the property. There is a circular motor court with water fountains and a grand columned entryway that welcomes you into the home. Lawns, gardens and a mosaic-tile swimming pool overlook the city out back, and paths descend to a tennis court and orchard.
Drake is selling the ‘Yolo Estate,’ his Hidden Hills party compound
Just a fraction of that acreage, however, is suitable for building. Nonetheless, with half a football field of square footage available, that shouldn’t be an issue for the next owner. He sold the three homes after moving to Beverly Crest earlier this year, spending $75 million on a 20,000-square-foot home on 20 acres owned by English singer-songwriter Robbie Williams, The Times previously reported. Kick back, relax, and scroll on for an up-close look at the space. Other highlights include a tennis court, sand volleyball court, mechanical bull and equestrian amenities such as a horse stable and riding ring. Statues line a custom swimming pool complete with cascading waterfalls and an 80-foot rock waterslide.
We’re pretty sure it’s safe to say he can definitely go from #realquick. In June 2022, Drake decided it was time for a change and ended up actually selling his infamous YOLO estate for $12 million. Drake has a big amount, and he spares no expense when it comes to his homes.
Rick Ross, “Champagne Moments”
"Drake's house is amazing" — Lethal Shooter on Drake's custom basketball court All Facts No Brakes - FOX Sports
"Drake's house is amazing" — Lethal Shooter on Drake's custom basketball court All Facts No Brakes.
I wanted it to have a monumental scale and feel,” Drake says of his passion project. “It will be one of the things I leave behind, so it had to be timeless and strong,” he adds. The master suite cantilevers over a balcony and has two walls of glass capturing the views, along with dual bathrooms clad in marble and one with a skylight. Of course, Drake also owns a massive $6.7 million compound in the Bridal Path neighborhood in Toronto. Additional features include a butler’s kitchen with its own entrance. The main kitchen includes designer Gaggenau appliances, Dada cabinetry, and a 14-foot leathered marble island.
Drake wants $88 million for Beverly Crest mega-mansion he bought last year for $75 million
The blockbuster deal marked the end of a year-long house hunt that saw the rapper make his first move into the Los Angeles area. Nearly every aspect of the home is bespoke with exceptional, high-quality materials and custom fixtures and features. Branden and Rayni Williams of The Beverly Hills Estates are co-listing the property with Marc Bretter of Maywood Property Group. Toronto-born, Grammy award-winning rapper Drake is offloading his palatial Los Angeles home for a whopping $88 million. The artist purchased the home last spring from British rocker Robbie Williams and his wife, Ayda Field, for $75 million.
Drake lists the ‘YOLO estate’ previously owned by Hugh Hefner for $14.8 million
Tupac’s estate is not happy about Drake cloning the voice of the late Shakur in a recent song. Since Kendrick’s explosive verse on “Like That” acted as a signal flare for anybody who has problems with Drake to step forward and get at him. Rappers like Rick Ross and Ye have answered the call, while Drake has been fighting back with his own responses (and AI?) to even the score. As we wait for more shots to land in the near future, here is a ranking of all of the direct diss tracks (not counting some of the more subliminal verses on We Still Don’t Like You) that have come out of this rap war so far.
Built in 2001, the mansion and guests houses boasts 10 bedrooms, 18 bathrooms and 24,000-plus square feet of living space in total. A beautifully landscaped yard and garden lead to the mansion’s mosaic-tile swimming pool that is accompanied by a sweeping view of the city and ocean. Adjacent to the pool sits a guesthouse with an indoor/outdoor kitchen. From there, paths descend toward what has been described as a “hidden” tennis court and orchard, sunken into the hillside. Built in 2001, the Tuscan-style showplace includes 10 bedrooms, 22 bathrooms and a host of amenities including a wine cellar, gym, library, game room, movie theater and 11-car garage.
Well, when he’s not busy fending off the various gay rumors he is usually preoccupied with a bevy of strippers and/or rapper groupie chicks. Well, ironically enough after he started acting, which he started in high school. On the television show Degrassi, he played a rapper and in 2006 he released his first mixtape Room for Improvement. The centerpiece of the master bath is a 4,000-pound tub of faceted black marble carved from a single block.
The $8 million ($7.7 million to be exact) insanity in Hidden Hills is complete with a grotto, tennis court, library, a cavernous wine cellar, a screening room and a gym — all Drake’s. The property sits on 3-acres of land, plenty of space for his epic pool parties. At 35,000 square feet, the home was designed and built exactly to Drake’s requests by Ferris Rafauli Design. Drakes house includes a spa, screening theatre, massage room, gorgeous grand piano, gym, basketball court, basement pool, and a hot tub on the roof. The Tuscan-style home was built in 2001 and, all told, contains 10 bedrooms and 22 bathrooms. Though, the main house has just seven of those bedrooms accompanied by 13 bathrooms, as well as a kitchen with a breakfast room and pair of family rooms.
Architecture firm KAA Design Group and features dramatic Tuscan style with pillars and stone touching up the ivy-strewn exterior. There’s no denying this rapper has more money than he knows what to do with. Despite what many people may think, there is no crib in Roswell, GA, South Plainfield, NJ or Landrum, SC. The DH in Roswell, GA is an organization that provides assistance for the homeless, the DH in Landrum, SC is a restaurant, and their Museum in South Plainfield, NJ is not rapper Drake’s house. To be fair, the Toronto International Film Festival is totally a big deal.