Saturday, February 1, 2020

Conspiracy gifts

Whether the UFO imbued the dirt with any uncanny characteristics is unknown, but the packet of soil does come with a certificate of authenticity–hopefully something you can trust. As a climate change-induced drought wears on, it's putting more pressure on wildlife, livestock and people, with deadly consequences. Thinking back, I bought this audio book for my brother for no reason at all. It wasn't a special occasion — I simply thought he'd vibe with it. As luck would have it though, he loved it.

In Japan, Christmas is a time to feast on KFC. CNN Travel explores how the American fast food chain grew to be synonymous with the holiday season. I've already snagged one of these, and I'm saving it for a Christmas present. I'm sure he'll get a real kick out of it, and it'll join his repertoire of half-serious conspiracy shirts. Become a Second Citizen and get the inside scoop on new shows, alumni news, ticket deals, exclusive offers and lots more. Two hundred dollars is way too much money to spend on anyone who thinks that climate change isn’t real.

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I haven't listened to it myself, but I'm comfortable recommending it based on the feedback I got from Mr. Conspiracy Theory himself. I gave this game to my brother over Christmas last year, thinking it was the perfect gift for someone with his specific proclivities. What I didn't realize at the time was that I'd end up having to play with him — game night after endless game night. Not specific to conspiracy theorists, but the perfect gift for literally anyone. Even the person who spends most of their time surfing the Deep Web needs to stop and order toilet paper in bulk once in a while. There are no small gifts, only small gift givers.

And while it may never have occurred to your relative to attend a Katt Williams show, they might enjoy this one. Bonus points if you get them high before the show so they feel comfortable talking about how Elvis is still alive. By creating an account, you accept our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Every weekday we compile our most wondrous stories and deliver them straight to you.

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This is one part of Atlas Obscura’s eight-part 2015 gift guide. As a reminder, you can change your profile and email settings in your profile. They took the core concept of the classic board game "Monopoly," and turned it into a quick-playing card game that's much more fun.

conspiracy theory gift ideas

This holiday season, give your loved one the gift of a wider audience. With this podcasting equipment, they’ll be able to tell both of their listeners all about how Princess Diana was murdered as part of a larger government cover up. Mysterious and shadowy place at times, and even more so for those curious souls who dare to peek behind the veil of accepted truths. Here are a few suggestions for gifts to get that friend of yours with all of the facts.

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Like us on Facebook to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. We depend on ad revenue to craft and curate stories about the world’s hidden wonders. Consider supporting our work by becoming a member for as little as $5 a month.

conspiracy theory gift ideas

It’s not just the government and the international banking conspiracy that are jamming us up. The discerning paranoiac knows that they should look out for magic curses as well. If there is someone in your life that thinks they may have been hexed by a government-sanctioned sorcerer or voodoo priest, stuff their stocking with this jinx-busting soap. The collection of hand-copied koans taken from the Twitter feeds of influential members of the finance world has yet to be explained–despite receiving a five-figure book distribution deal.

A Former Police Agent Explains How People Smuggle Guns Across The Border

Is the book just an overly clever literary experiment, or is it a coded message to and from the international banking conspiracy? Looking for that perfect gag gift for the conspiracy enthusiast in your life? How about a supposedly space-flown object from one of NASA’s supposed shuttle missions. While you can’t purchase one of the thermal tiles that supposedly fell off the Challenger shuttle , you can pick up blankets and small keepsakes that they’d like us to believe went to space. Your accounts lets you Digg stories, save stories to revisit later, and more.

conspiracy theory gift ideas

The esteemed board will help guide The Second City's creative direction and uphold the creative values of the institution. Like Atlas Obscura and get our latest and greatest stories in your Facebook feed. Follow us on social media to add even more wonder to your day.

Aqua Tofana Conspiracy Theorist Gift Flasche Linie Kunst

Follow us on Twitter to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. The powers-that-be in the healthcare industrial complex want you to think that you need to purchase all sorts of chemicals to keep yourself fit and healthy. But there is a plant called Rhodiola rosea, or golden root, that we are already growing in Alaska which might be better than all of their drugs. A long classified Soviet secret, the miracle plant is said to improve mental and physical performance to a shocking degree. And it grows like a weed in even our most inhospitable climes. Get your person-in-the-know some golden root seeds and give them the gift of a healthy life that the establishment wants to keep secret.

conspiracy theory gift ideas

Those powers were not meant to be meddled with. The truth is out there, and you can give a bit of it as a gift for under $20. When an alien flying saucer crash-landed in Roswell, New Mexico, it forever changed our world, mainly by inspiring one of the greatest cover-ups in history. While you can’t get that truth-seeker in your life all the answers they crave, you can pick up a sample of earth from the region of the actual Roswell crash.

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